Allergic Reaction Cause Neck Swelling. Experts explain whether or not allergies could be causing swollen lymph nodes in your neck or under your jaw and when to see a doctor about enlarged glands. By Gopalan on June 18 2009 at 1126 AM General Health News. Also lymph nodes rarely enlarge with allergic rhinitis from indoor or outdoor allergens. Allergies can also cause a swollen neck.
Scented detergents in particular can lead to an allergic reaction when the clothing is worn. Experts explain whether or not allergies could be causing swollen lymph nodes in your neck or under your jaw and when to see a doctor about enlarged glands. This sensation results from swelling of both the upper and lower eyelids. A local reaction can produce very uncomfortable pain itching and swelling. Nickel in jewelry especially necklaces chains and pendants can cause allergic skin reactions on the neck. A person may experience hives itching and swelling though the reactions are usually not severe enough to warrant seeing a doctor.
The exception is when the allergic rhinitis has resulted in an infection of the ears or sinuses that has caused the lymph nodes to swell.
Scented detergents in particular can lead to an allergic reaction when the clothing is worn. Large local reactions are defined by their symptoms occurring at the site of the sting. In general seasonal allergies dont directly cause swollen glands and lymph nodes. Cancer is a less common cause of neck swelling. A wide variety of allergies can produce this reaction. However these allergies can lead to ear infections or sinus infections which can eventually result in swollen glands on the neck or the ear.