Allergic Reaction Eyes Swollen Treatment. Your doctor may also prescribe a steroid or an allergy shot to make you less sensitive to the allergen. Also if you have swollen eyes from allergies it is best to visit your eye doctor immediately. Allergic reactions to these products can also trigger swollen eyelids. Antihistamines are available for purchase over.
There are many treatment methods available for allergic conjunctivitis. Remedies include OTC products such as eye drops antihistamines and artificial tears as well as cold compresses for temporary relief. Also if you have swollen eyes from allergies it is best to visit your eye doctor immediately. This eyelid swelling along with other allergy symptoms can be treated by identifying the cause of the allergic response and limiting exposure 2. The best way to avoid getting eye allergies is to avoid exposure to allergens. Treating allergic conjunctivitis at home involves a combination of.
Also if you have swollen eyes from allergies it is best to visit your eye doctor immediately.
Antihistamines are available for purchase over. The good news. Easy to clean and reuse. The eye doctor may prescribe medicines and eye drops to reduce the itchiness and inflammation. Soak a towel or washcloth in cold water or refrigerate a damp cloth or eye pillow. Eyelid trauma and black eye Any direct injury to the eyelid will tend to make it swell and bruise and the swelling is often very much worse the next day.