Allergic Reaction In Babies Treatment. Most of the allergies can be treated only if the allergen is identified. It is not possible to prevent all allergic reactions in babies but there are steps that parents and caregivers can take to reduce the risk. Skin allergies in babies. Antihistamines help minimize allergic reactions.
Red and itchy skin caused by an allergic reaction can sometimes be treated with over-the-counter creams and lotions such as. Keep in mind that since babies cannot talk they cannot tell us what they are feeling. Certain allergies like hives might be mild and occasional seldom requiring prompt medical attention. Antihistamines help minimize allergic reactions. Always note what drugs your child is allergic too and avoid it next time. However if the condition occurs repeatedly or sustains for more than six weeks then you must take the baby to a doctor.
If your doctor recommends it give your baby a childrens antihistamine like childrens Zyrtec.
Red and itchy skin caused by an allergic reaction can sometimes be treated with over-the-counter creams and lotions such as. Washing the babys clothes in. If youre still in the breastfeeding stage you may want to avoid certain foods if you see your infant having a bad allergic reaction like skin rashes or loose stools. Although it is usually safe to use for infants for short periods it is essential to speak to a doctor first. Pay Attention to Your Infants Reactions. Common causes of allergic reactions are pollen stings and bites latex and some food items such as nuts shellfish eggs or dairy.