Allergic Reaction Making Eyes Swollen. Conjunctivitis is an infection in the lining of the eyelid that causes severe swelling around the eyes according to MedlinePlus 4. The most common cause of swollen eyes is an allergic reaction to airborne pollen commonly known as hay fever Because airborne pollen varies seasonally this reaction is most common in the spring and summer months. An allergic reaction on the eyelids may also be known as eyelid dermatitis. Allergies can wreak havoc on your entire bodyeverything from rashes and sneezing to chest tightness and vomiting.
Unexplained swelling of the face eyes ears etc without any predisposing disease is frequently caused by allergies. Inside allergens run amok throughout the year triggering allergy symptoms like coughing sneezing stuffy and runny nose and swollen eyes. This is usually accompanied by sneezing and an itchy and runny nose. The eyes comes into contact with an allergen which conventional eye shadows are loaded down with and some highly irritating. Diagnosis is by clinical examination and complete blood tests electrolytes and renal function tests. Whether youre out in the fresh spring air or cleaning your dusty basement allergens run amok throughout the year.
Red spots on the skin swollen lips itchy eyes and puffy skin may be symptoms of an allergic reaction.
Allergies can cause the eyes to swell and become red itchy watery The reason people have swollen eyes from allergies is theyre getting contact in the eyes from airborne allergies. Other Sources of Swollen Eyes In addition to hay fever many other types of allergies can cause similar reactions. People can develop symptoms such as sneezing coughing a runny nose a. Whether youre out in the fresh spring air or cleaning your dusty basement allergens run amok throughout the year. What allergic reaction makes your eyes swell. Allergies can wreak havoc on your entire bodyeverything from rashes and sneezing to chest tightness and vomiting.