Allergic Reaction Medical Tape. But I do not get this reaction to band-aids at all. Aside from this irritation especially if the tape was not regularly changed in your 25 days in the hospital and skin condition such as contact dermatitis are also possible. With welts and blistering a prescription strength steroid can hasten the resolution. Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Medical Adhesive Bandages in Patients Who Report Having a Reaction to Medical Bandages.
This finding is in line with previously reported data. It probably is a reaction to the adhesive. Some other tapes have done the same thing since then but regular band-aids seem to be okay. In the majority of people the initial allergic reaction to adhesive tape is mild and may be lasts 15 minutes to a couple of hours. I had a problem with the patch they used over my port while having chemo and had to make sure they used a special one after that. Objective The aims of this study were to make a distinction between true allergy and nonallergic tape reactions NATRs to medical tapes and to make recommendations for dermatologists in the approach to each.
So Ive discovered that I have rather suddenly developed an allergy to medical tape.
Adhesive allergy can be pretty severe and uncomfortable. So Ive discovered that I have rather suddenly developed an allergy to medical tape. The described skin reaction to medical adhesive tapes and bandages appears to be primarily an irritant contact dermatitis ICD. The allergic rash is called contact dermatitis. Aside from this irritation especially if the tape was not regularly changed in your 25 days in the hospital and skin condition such as contact dermatitis are also possible. It probably is a reaction to the adhesive.