Allergic Reaction Medical Term. It can also follow injections of medicines insect stings or insect bites. An allergic reaction occurs when cells in the immune system interpret a foreign substance or allergen as harmful. Anaphylaxis is a severe whole-body allergic reaction to a chemical that has become an allergen. During the infusion the client begins exhibiting signs of an allergic reaction.
This condition known as irritant contact dermatitis appears virtually identical to an allergic skin reaction – so the confusion is not. After being exposed to a substance such as bee sting venom the persons immune system becomes sensitized to it. You can have an allergic reaction after inhaling eating or. An allergic reaction occurs when a persons immune system becomes overly sensitive to a typically harmless substance or allergen. In the worst cases you might have anaphylaxis and will need medical help right away. If you are prone to allergies the first time youre exposed to a specific allergen such as pollen your body responds by producing allergic IgE antibodies.
After being exposed to a substance such as bee sting venom the persons immune system becomes sensitized to it.
If you are prone to allergies the first time youre exposed to a specific allergen such as pollen your body responds by producing allergic IgE antibodies. This reaction can occur when the immune system attacks a normally harmless substance the allergen. The most common allergic reaction is skin eruptions such as a rash or hives A client receives cefazolin sodium Ancef by way of the intravenous route. The hypersensitive response of the immune system of an allergic individual to a substance. A doctor who diagnoses and treats allergy-related conditions. Some of these substances are known as allergens and when your body reacts to them it causes an allergic reaction.