Allergic Reaction Mouth Sores. A swollen tongue also can be an indication of an allergic reaction to a drug. Oral allergy syndrome is a type of food allergy classified by a cluster of allergic reactions in the mouth and throat in response to eating certain fruits nuts and vegetables that typically develops in adults with hay fever. Symptoms of Tomato Allergy National of Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease reports if you suffer from hay fever you may be allergic to tomato. Toothpaste consists of flavourings preservatives colouring agents abrasives detergents binding agents humectants antiseptics antacids and fluoride salts.
Flavourings are the major cause of allergic contact reactions to toothpaste and there is considerable overlap with foods. Allergic contact dermatitis. Certain foods including citrus or acidic fruitsand vegetables such as lemons oranges pineapples apples figs tomatoes strawberries cantrigger a canker soreor makethe problem worse. Immediate swelling of mouth and lips. Cats can get these kinds of sores anywhere on their body but on outer skin it usually looks like a thickened line of bumps. Canker sore refers to a yellow or pale ulcer that has a red outer ring or a cluster of such ulcers in the mouth usually on the cheeks tongue or inside the lip.
A stress or minor injury to the inside of the mouthis thought to be the cause of simple canker sores.
Flavourings are the major cause of allergic contact reactions to toothpaste and there is considerable overlap with foods. Mouth sores heal on their own in about 10 to 14 days indicates MedlinePlus. Canker sores are also painful have a tingling feeling and last between 5-10 days. Therefore OAS is only seen in people with seasonal pollen allergies and mostly people who are allergic. Immediate swelling of mouth and lips. Hypersensitivity reactions in and around the mouth may produce a wide range of clinical appearances including redness or whiteness of the mucosa.