Allergic Reaction Mouth Swelling Treatment. Treatment for Your Swollen Tongue According to a report in StatPearls in most instances you dont need any treatment if you have a swollen tongue. Treatments include antihistamines cool compresses and corticosteroid creams. The often include a rash itching sores and swelling. 51k views Reviewed 2 years ago Thank.
The immune system recognizes similar proteins and responds with an allergic reaction. Reactions can be prevented by avoiding allergens and taking antihistamines. Food allergies can result in a whole-body reaction as seen in angioedema or trigger an oral allergy. Treatments include antihistamines cool compresses and corticosteroid creams. Sometimes kids with oral allergy syndrome will even have itchy ears or hives around their mouth. Symptoms usually appear immediately after eating raw fruits or vegetables although in rare cases the reaction.
For those who have this problem due to allergies baking soda seems to be the best natural home remedy for swollen mouth.
Pineapples apples and melons are the foods most likely to trigger an oral allergy. Take 3 spoons of baking soda to combine with a spoon of water. If you have swelling of lips tongue mouth throat difficulty swallowing tight chest - call 911 due to possible allergic reaction. Depending on the severity of your reaction you may need treatment with oxygen a breathing tube intravenous fluids and various medications. Treat it like a pollen allergy. The most frequent symptoms of OAS include itchiness or swelling of the mouth face lip tongue and throat.