Allergic Reaction On Neck And Shoulders. Neck pain is discomfort in any of the structures in the neck. Other sources of an allergic reaction include insect bites foods and plants. In addition a rash can begin at these places and spread to the back. Most of the time the cause of hives on neck is never identified with 100 accuracy.
Prem Gupta answered neurology 48 years experience Not likely. The link between migraines and allergies is caused by sinusitis or by a chemical reaction to an allergen which annoys the blood vessels. If your jawbone disappears after eating certain foods you may have a food allergy 2. Swelling in your lymph nodes after eating may be a sign of an allergic reaction because food allergies. Its true that the throat and vocal cords can become inflamed or irritated because of an allergic reaction including seasonal allergies which can even lead to a temporary change or loss of. Most of the time the cause of hives on neck is never identified with 100 accuracy.
If you experience a sudden type of acute neck rash it could be the reaction of your skin to a certain substance including food medication or jewelry.
A neck rash may be caused by a wide array of conditions and diseases including an allergic reaction autoimmune process and an infection. Unless you are calling sore throat from laryngitis or pharyngitis which could possibly be allergic pain. Rash spots bumps or blisters. Swelling in your lymph nodes after eating may be a sign of an allergic reaction because food allergies. If you experience a sudden type of acute neck rash it could be the reaction of your skin to a certain substance including food medication or jewelry. You can treat most contact rashes but it depends on.