Allergic Reaction On Neck Causes. You can get an allergic reaction on any part of your body although it happens most often on the face lips eyes ears and neck. Neck swelling can also be caused by a variety of other conditions including. Any allergic reaction in the neck region can also cause the lymph glands to swell. It can be hard to tell the two types of reactions apart.
Allergic Skin Reactions on the Neck. If you experience a sudden type of acute neck rash it could be the reaction of your skin to a certain substance including food medication or jewelry. Cancerous lymph nodes as seen in Hodgkins disease may produce a swollen appearance and sensation in the neck. Seasonal allergies in early spring can cause red itchy and. Thyroid cancer also produces swelling in the neck commonly called a goiter. A neck rash may be caused by a wide array of conditions and diseases including an allergic reaction autoimmune process and an infection.
Cosmetics can have nut oils essential oils or dozens of other substances known to cause irritation in some people.
An allergic reaction occurs when your body perceives a harmless substancesuch as certain foods pollen or pet danderas a. Seasonal allergies in early spring can cause red itchy and. If you experience a sudden type of acute neck rash it could be the reaction of your skin to a certain substance including food medication or jewelry. Improper washing either not enough or too much. You can treat most contact rashes but it depends on. There are many potential causes for rashes on the neck.