Allergic Reaction Rash All Over Body. Hives this is also known as urticaria. Overuse or repeated use of medications can affect the skin and result in formation of rash all over the body. Allergic Reactions A severe side effect of a medication can trigger a skin rash that may spread over the entire body. When the allergic response is spread by the blood the rash can occur on the skin all over the body.
Allergic reactions often cause rashes. Just a quick refresher. Symptoms may include itching appearance of hives dry skin and in severe cases swelling of the skin. An allergic reaction to a body wash is different from one you may experience in reaction to another beauty product. Skin rashes may also be related to allergic contact dermatitis caused by skin contact with allergens such as nickel topical antibiotics latex or the chemicals in cosmetics shampoos or perfume. Contact dermatitis this is also called short-term allergic reaction rash.
A reaction to a beauty product will usually be limited to a red itchy rash at the site of the exposure.
Could an allergic reaction cause a rash all over my body Answered by Dr. Chickenpox is a virus characterized by red itchy blisters that form all over the body. But when it makes war on substances it shouldnt thats an allergy. Overuse or repeated use of medications can affect the skin and result in formation of rash all over the body. 1 This occurs when an allergen cross links with immunoglobulin E IgE bound to receptors on mast cells. Eczema this is also known as atopic dermatitis and affects mainly young children but adults can also get it.