Allergic Reaction Swollen Lips And Hands. Sometimes its impossible to find out exactly why hives have formed. So I really dont think its an allergic reaction. An EpiPen is the first course of action if swollen lips are caused by anaphylaxis. Its not an immediate reaction.
The first time an allergic reaction makes your or your childs lips swell youre bound to be alarmed especially if the swelling is accompanied by swollen red eyes or throat inflammation. Angioedema From Food Allergies. My wife and i thought it maybe caused due to an allergic reaction. During the reaction histamine and other chemicals are released into the bloodstream. The location of the swelling should help your doctor determine if the cause of your angioedema is allergic or due to another medical condition. At first I thought it might be a reaction to washing powder but because of its randomness I have excluded that.
I have been having red hotswollen hands after i eat for about 3 weeks.
Some mornings I wake up and my lips and my hands are a bit swollen. Swollen lip allergic reaction. Itching or tingling of the lips tongue or roof of the mouth. Serious allergic reactions can be in the form an acute allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Sometimes its impossible to find out exactly why hives have formed. An EpiPen is the first course of action if swollen lips are caused by anaphylaxis.