Allergic Reaction Symptoms Itchy Hands And Feet. Exposure to temperature extremes or sunlight may also lead to an outbreak of itching. Sometimes itching is due to medicine effects pregnancy liver disease kidney disease intestinal parasites. I would suggest you to take combination of anti histamine along with anti-inflammatory drug. Diabetic itching is primarily due to nerve damage caused by elevated blood glucose levels.
Diabetic patients are often afflicted with this symptom. The palms in particular can be. Athletes foot or tinea pedis fungal infection. It is caused by a virus starts with a rash sore throat and red spots or blisters on the hands and feet. Need not to worry. Itchy hands and feet angioedema and ace.
It always starts with the soles of my feet itching and palms of my hands.
Soy Psoriasis – tends to occur as red scaly itchy patches over joints and along the scalp. Change in color and texture of the skin. The release of histamine in the blood stream affects the digestive system and the skin. Although this allergic reaction frequently causes reactions in the skin around your eyes and lips it can also affect your hands and feet. Itchy palms may also be associated with thyroid disorders hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Swollen hands and bottom lip throat Strange oral problem and uncomfortable sensation in my mouth purple legs and feet bad circulation.