Allergic Reaction Symptoms Treatment. Treatment depends on the type of allergy and the location and severity of the symptoms. An allergic reaction can include one or more of these symptoms and a number of them may happen at the same time. Constriction of the throat. 3 Wash the area with soap and water.
Antihistamines prevent symptoms such as hives by. Moisturising creams emollients to keep the skin moist and protect it from allergens calamine lotion to reduce itchiness steroids to reduce inflammation. Swelling or itching in the mouth or throat. What are the signs and symptoms of a mild allergic reaction. Treatments for allergic reactions Over-the-counter OTC antihistamines and decongestants may relieve minor symptoms of an allergic reaction. This form of allergic reaction is also called anaphylaxis and is life-threatening.
Treatment depends on the type of allergy and the location and severity of the symptoms.
Swelling or itching in the mouth or throat. The allergic reaction can be. Common symptoms such as rash hives and itching can often be controlled with antihistamines and occasionally corticosteroids. After 48 hours a dermatologist will remove the patches and see if any allergic reactions have occurred. The primary concern when treating drug allergies is relieving the symptoms. 3 Wash the area with soap and water.