Allergic Reaction Tattoo Treatment. In case of extreme allergic reactions the dermatologist will recommend the laser removal process. Is there a treatment for allergic reaction to red tattoo ink Answered by Dr. This reaction is most likely to occur if you. Thats tattoo artist-speak for grinning and bearing it through hours of pain Then you spent a few weeks diligently washing and moisturizing it while it healed.
Tattoos are associated with an increased risk of infection eczema psoriasis hyperplasia granulomatous reactions and neoplasm with red ink as the most common culprit for allergic reactions. How to Treat a Tattoo Allergy. Signs of an ink allergy. To my knowledge treatment is limited to removal of the tattoo usually using laser surgery. However the evaluation of a patient with a possible reaction to tattoo dye is complex because many times the dyes are mixed by the person applying the tattoo and tattoo inks change their composition over time. These symptoms can crop up in the days after you first get your tattoo or can appear months or years later.
Application of soothing agent such as aloe vera or special ointments made for tattoos can help reduce the discomfort of the reaction.
Itch-relieving creams are also a good option to help soothe the skin. But if your case. This will help you know the gravity of the impact of the allergy and an appropriate treatment plan. Applications of aloe vera or specialty products made for tattoos can help relieve the discomfort of the reaction. Allergic reaction to a tattoo ink causing rash. Start antiretroviral treatment for HIV.