Allergic Reaction To Antibiotics Icd 10. 2021 ICD-10-CM Code T361X5A Adverse effect of cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics initial encounter. Adverse effect of antiinfective sulfonamide. Allergy unspecified initial encounter. ICD-10 from 2011 - 2016 Z881 is a billable ICD code used to specify a diagnosis of allergy status to other antibiotic agents status.
918 Poisoning and toxic effects of drugs without mcc. In this section we list out codes for - CephalosporinsAntibiotics and ICD Code Y401. Anaphylaxis due to fish. Adverse effect of antiinfective sulfonamide. The 2021 edition of ICD-10-CM T3695XA became effective on October 1 2020. Some types of medicine including some antibiotics aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs such as ibuprofen.
2021 ICD-10-CM Code Z881 Allergy status to other antibiotic agents.
Codes from the E930-E949 series must be used to identify the causative substance for an adverse effect of drug medicinal and biological substances correctly prescribed and properly. Anaphylactic reaction due to shellfish crustaceans initial encounter. Adverse effect of unsp systemic antibiotic init encntr. ICD-10 is a diagnostic coding system implemented by the World Health Organization. Adverse effect of penicillin antibiotic. Sulfonamide antibiotic adverse reaction ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code T370X5A Adverse effect of sulfonamides initial encounter.