Allergic Reaction To Body Jewelry. Always check labels to see if the piece of jewelry you are interested in is nickel-free. An allergic reaction to jewelry usually occurs when your skin comes into contact with certain metals present in your jewelry or piercings. The most common sites of jewellery allergy are the earlobes from earrings the fingers from rings and around the neck from necklaces. Allergens have been introduced to the body through your piercing.
Dermatitis is an allergic reaction to jewelry that causes skin rashes and itching. Skin rash itching small blisters can happen at the site of contact. Jewellery worn through pierced areas holds more risks for both infection and allergic reactions. Allergic reactions will often appear as rashes excessive clear fluid discharge redness itchiness or with some metal allergies the skin pulling away from the jewelry. You have an allergic reaction to necklace bracelet or other nickel containing jewelry if you have. The term hypoallergenic refers to.
You have an allergic reaction to necklace bracelet or other nickel containing jewelry if you have.
Your piercing is migrating away from your jewelry THEN. Those who have a skin allergy always have the worst reaction on the ears and the wrists. In severe cases these reactions can include burning sensations rashes and blisters. Hypoallergenic jewelry is specifically made for those who experience allergic reactions to certain types of metals. Metal Nickel-plated jewelry can turn just about anyones skin green but for those with metal allergies skin discoloration may be just the beginning. These reactions are caused by the metals jewelry is made from.