Allergic Reaction To Body Wash Treatment. For a moderate-to-severe allergic reaction treatment involves stabilizing your health. Immediately after bathing use a gentle hypoallergenic moisturizing cream to soothe skin. If you suspect that youve come into contact with any substances you may be allergic to wash the area with soap and lukewarm water as quickly as. Antihistamines which are drugs that prevent the release of the chemicals that cause allergic reactions.
Bathe with cool or lukewarm water and gentle fragrance-free cleansers. The following treatments are commonly used to reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Olive oil warm a tablespoon of olive oil and then apply it to the rash. Wash the area with soap and water. Treatments for allergic reactions Over-the-counter OTC antihistamines and decongestants may relieve minor symptoms of an allergic reaction. As dermatologist Mona Gohara points out theres a difference between skin issues that are caused by an allergic reaction and just plain irritation.
The cleaner youve been using for years to make your bathroom sparkle made your hands itch and burn.
Antihistamines can help to treat most minor allergic reactions regardless of the cause. Sometimes the reaction can be so severe that it can lead to an anaphylactic reaction which causes breathing problems drop in blood pressure swelling and anaphylactic shock. Conventional Treatments for Allergies. Once it has cooled use it to wash the area of your skin where the allergic reaction rash is located. Olive oil warm a tablespoon of olive oil and then apply it to the rash. Beauty Products to Watch for The beauty products most likely to cause skin reactions include bath soaps detergents antiperspirants eye makeup moisturizers shampoos long-wearing lip stains.