Allergic Reaction To Nickel Treatment. Once you develop a sensitivity to nickel youll develop a rash contact dermatitis whenever you come into contact with the metal. There is no cure for nickel allergy and only symptomatic treatment is available. Nickel-containing orthodontic appliances are implicated in allergic reactions which represent a type IV delayed hypersensitivity immune response. The allergic reaction is usually found 1-2 days after the orthodontic treatment is started.
Nickel hypersensitivity is diagnosed through the. The top photo shows a positive patch test on the left after a patch containing nickel was left on the skin for 48 hours. The best way to prevent a reaction is to avoid the allergen. Nickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. Theres no cure for nickel allergy. Once it has developed a nickel allergy is unlikely to go away.
Nickel-containing orthodontic appliances are implicated in allergic reactions which represent a type IV delayed hypersensitivity immune response.
Once it has developed a nickel allergy is unlikely to go away. Current evidence suggests that the most common allergic reaction reported in orthodontics is related to nickel in orthodontic appliances and allergic response is more common in women due to a previous sensitizing exposure from nickel in jewellery. Theres no cure for nickel allergy. Once it has developed a nickel allergy is unlikely to go away. The allergic reaction usually lasts for about 2-4 weeks and goes away. The only way to treat a nickel allergy is to avoid all items and foods containing nickel.