Allergic Reaction To Tongue Piercing. Tongue swelling after a new piercing can interfere with chewing and. You are probably experiencing an allergic reaction. One destruction of tongue piercing allergic reaction in times past was the materials that were utilized. Angioedema can be caused by insect bites some kinds of antibiotics pollen and certain foods like berries shellfish nuts milk and eggs.
Other causes of tongue swelling and red bumps on the tongue include medication side-effects. Contact a piercing professional and make sure that getting a tongue ring is the right move for you. Minor infections allergic contact dermatitis keloid formation and traumatic tearing may occur after piercing of the. One destruction of tongue piercing allergic reaction in times past was the materials that were utilized. Tongue swelling after a new piercing can interfere with chewing and. Jewelry worn in tongue piercings can chip and crack your teeth and damage your gums.
The third major sign is a lot of clear fluid oozing from the piercing site.
Tongue piercings especially new ones are more prone to infections than other piercings because of all the bacteria in. Allergic reactions Oral complications like chipped or cracked teeth gum damage or tongue swelling which can affect chewing swallowing and breathing Pain and swelling in the first few days after the procedure. Food allergies can result in a whole-body reaction as seen in. The third major sign is a lot of clear fluid oozing from the piercing site. Allergens have been introduced to the body through your piercing. Dissimilar to todays present day materials metals wood and stone would not be as spotless for the injury to recuperate and if not treated with consideration could without much of a stretch turn into a contamination which would prompt passing.