Allergic Reaction To Tongue Piercing Symptoms. When rejection does happen its usually in a flat area of the body. Your piercing is migrating away from your jewelry THEN. Ridges on the tongue. Blisters on the tongue.
Blisters on the tongue. Your piercing is migrating away from your jewelry THEN. It is related to allergic rhinitis otherwise known as hay fever. Tongue piercings especially new ones are more prone to infection than other piercings because of all the bacteria in your mouth. These will show up immediately after being piercedin the case of a metal allergyor right after starting to use a new cleaning solution. Allergic reaction on the tongue that itches can cause the tongue to bleed and in the long run blood blisters will form.
Signs of an Allergic Reaction.
The first major sign of an allergic reaction is a rash. An allergic reaction to jewelry usually occurs when your skin comes into contact with certain metals present in your jewelry or piercings. Sensitivities to certain foods are common causes of these symptoms. Piercing rejection isnt nearly as common as some other piercing complications like infections keloids and dermatitis. The first major sign of an allergic reaction is a rash. You can usually treat an infected tongue piercing.