Allergic Reaction Treatment Over The Counter. Oral antihistamines are available over-the-counter and by prescription. It can be used once or twice a day for up to two weeks. Treat Symptoms For mild allergy symptoms such as hay fever or hives give an over-the-counter OTC antihistamine. Red and itchy skin caused by an allergic reaction can sometimes be treated with over-the-counter creams and lotions such as.
It is also important for individuals to drink plenty of clear liquids to prevent dehydration. For stuffy nose give an OTC. A person can treat most allergic reaction rashes at. As long as these symptoms are not severe an over-the-counter stomach medicine can usually be used to relieve them. Antihistamines block histamine a symptom-causing chemical released by your immune system during an allergic reaction. Poison ivy fragrances and medications are some common substances that can cause an allergic rash.
The most common types of medicine used to treat allergy.
A person with this allergy will sometimes feel nauseous for example and may experience vomiting and diarrhea. In addition to taking the above steps there are several over-the-counter products that may help relieve your symptoms. Steroids to reduce inflammation. A person can treat most allergic reaction rashes at. There are three main ways to manage allergies. If your eyes are starting to itch or your nose is running the antihistamine in the Allegra Adult 24-Hour Allergy Relief can help make you feel better in as little as one hour.