Allergic Reactions To Metal Implants. Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Total hip and knee replacement surgery using metal alloy devices is common. Patch tests screening should be obligatory prior to providing implants to patients reporting symptoms of metal dermatitis. Metal orthopedic implants may be the primary cause of allergies.
Implant coverings made of chemically inert materials are a perfect obstacle for the emission of allergic metals which are present of implant alloys. In this condition a skin rash that looks like eczema can occur. The nausea still persists but not as frequently today. The most important allergens in this category include nickel cobalt chromium and bone cement. I was extremely nauseous and had lost 50 pounds in 3 months. Total hip and knee replacement surgery using metal alloy devices is common.
Type IV allergic reactions to these implants occur though infrequently.
Metal implant allergy may develop as result of preexisting allergy or upon newly induced lymphocyte sensitisation. There are two reactions that seem to occur in patients who have metal hypersensitivity to a knee replacement implant. Patch tests screening should be obligatory prior to providing implants to patients reporting symptoms of metal dermatitis. Using protective layers on implants may appear to be an innovative method to prevent allergies to metals. Both bare metal and drug eluting stents have been occasionally implicated in the developments of various hypersensitivity reactions. Implant coverings made of chemically inert materials are a perfect obstacle for the emission of allergic metals which are present of implant alloys.