Can An Allergic Reaction Cause Swelling Hands. In that situation the release of histamines can cause cause tearing in the eyes congestion in the nose swelling difficulty breathing and even vomiting and diarrhea if the trigger is a food. Nail polish can cause allergic reactions on the hands. Type 1 allergic reactions usually occur immediately after the administration of a particular drug. Swelling of the elbow wrist and hand is common after humerus fractures.
Serum sickness symptoms include fever hives swollen glands and joint pain. Swelling can make moving your joints difficult. Your hands feet throat intestines and genitals may also swell. Angioedema is swelling that occurs deep within the skin and results from an allergic reaction to food medication or another allergen such as. Abdominal pain also commonly accompanies the painful swelling as does shortness of breath. The swelling typically pools downstream best to elevate the hand and wr.
This can cause sudden swelling underneath your skin either with or without hives.
During an allergic reaction histamine and other chemicals are released into your bloodstream. Its always a symptom of something else – like a food allergy. There can be many reasons for the swelling you describe ranging from an allergic reaction to food or medicine. Swelling can make it hard to move your joints. Abdominal pain also commonly accompanies the painful swelling as does shortness of breath. It most often causes swelling in deep layers of tissue around the eyes lips and face.